Pleasant View South Stake

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
2024 Schedule
Elberta Drive Building

  • 9:00am - Harrisville 5th
  • 10:30am - Pleasant View 8th
  • 12:00pm - Pleasant View 2nd

Orion Building

  • 9:00am - Colonial Springs
  • 10:30am - Harrisville 4th
  • 12:00pm - Hidden Meadows

Stake Center

  • 9:00am - Pleasant View 10th
  • 10:30am - Pleasant View 9th
  • 12:00pm - Pleasant View 11th

Sacred Times & Holy Places

A Special Devotional with President Carver
A devotional for parents of children ages 8 to 18. Includes a discussion on how to help our children better hear the voice of the lord.
Watch HERE!

Stake Conference

March 23rd & 24th, 2024
The adult session of stake conference was held at the stake center on Saturday, March 23rd at 7PM. The general session of stake conference was held on Sunday, March 24th at 12PM at the Ogden Tabernacle.
The sessions were recorded and we invite all to watch and even re-watch all of the wonderful talks and messages that were shared.
Watch HERE!

Friend to Friend Broadcast for Children: 2023

Children ages 3–11, parents, and Primary leaders and teachers are invited to participate in a Friend to Friend event. A half-hour broadcast featuring activities, music, and messages from the Primary General Presidency.

Come, Follow Him -

Pleasant View South Stake